The sea plays a huge part of my life. Living in Cornwall I am surrounded by it. When the huge winter swells come in, it offers great opportunities to capture it’s affects on the coastlines; whether it’s the spectacular surf at my local beaches or the more secret spots. It all depends on the direction, on this particular South Easterly, coupled up with the high tides, it was giving our local fishing village Kingsand and Cawsand a real hammering with the famous and iconic clock tower coming very close to being lost to the sea. It was the same storms that reeked havoc on the Dawlish coast wrecking the train lines. I managed to capture a few shots in between the rain showers and sea spray coming over the walls with possibly the largest waves hitting in the dark. The series of images below are not the biggest waves that hit but do show the enormous power that battered the village. The last image shows all the props under the right hand corner of the clock tower which were engineered in an effort to try to keep her upright for another high tide and the onslaught of the huge waves.